Dogosaur Body Language

It's important to remember that our dogosaurs can be sensitive souls, and for us to understand what their body language means. Whether you're wondering what your doggo is trying to say, or looking at an unfamiliar dog's body language in the park - have a look at these images to understand what it all means. If you see an unfamiliar dog that is showing signs of fear or aggression, best keep walking and not allow your dog to approach it (or at least check with the owner first!)

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Natural Remedies for Dogosaur ailments

Over the past few years I have learnt a lot about what natural remedies can be used for doggy problems, rather than immediately rushing off to the vet and getting all sorts of chemically badness that might not always be necessary. If you keep a few of these in your cupboard it may help prevent problems, and also aid some problems quicker (and cheaper) than a trip to the vets...

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How to keep your Iguanadog entertained whilst you're out

You shouldn’t be leaving Mr Doggo alone for more than about 4 hours. This is because they are pack animals, and need the company of others – this doesn’t mean that if you have more than one dog you can leave them for longer, as the company of humans provides them with a lot more stimulation. There are, however, ways to fill these hours with fun for your dog rather than boredom, barking, and possibly protest peeing… 

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